Wednesday, September 5, 2018

New HTML5 Responsive Invoice Templates

StudioCloud has released new functionality that allows you to create email and print templates for invoices, estimates, and quotes using responsive HTML5 technology. The new HTML5 templates are designd to replacing emailing or printing pdf invoices. The HTML5 templates also include many new features that are listed below.

HTML5 Invoice Setup

New HTML5 Invoice Template Features

The new HTML5 invoice, estimate, and quote template system contains all of the following features:
  • Auto Adjusting Features
    • Automatically adjusts based on the screen size of the device so that the invoice looks great on a computer, smartphone, or tablet. 
  • Branding Features
    • Unlimited Branding if you have a PartnerBoost or EmployeeBoost subscription
      • The new HTML5 invoice templates support having different logos and business information for each template.
        • PDF invoices only supported 1 type of invoice with 3 different logos
  • Printing Features
    • Supports printing the invoice using a default invoice template 
  • Emailing Features
    • Supports emailing the invoice using a default email template
    • Supports having the invoice link inserted directly into the email
      • PDF invoices required being attached to the email
    • New easily customized sample email templates are available which include the link to the HTML invoice in them.
  • Auto Updating Features
    • The invoice automatically updates so that when the client views the invoice in their browser they will see the latest information for their invoice. 
      • PDF required sending a new invoice to see the updated information 
  • Payment Features
    • Supports having a client pay their outstanding balance directly from the invoice 
    • Supports having a client pay for a payment plan directly from the invoice 
  • New Email Templates
    • New sample email templates have been added to StudioCloud to speed up creating email templates that have the new HTML5 Invoice templates built into them.
    • Supports having a link added to email templates that the client can click to view their invoice 
  • Cloudform Integration
    • Supports having the invoice automatically emailed to a client when an invoice is created from a CloudForm
    • Supports having the invoice automatically emailed to the client when they make a payment from a Cloudform

Does the HTML5 Invoice Template Require a Subscription?

Yes. A StudioCloud subscription is required to use the new HTML5 invoice templates. PartnerBoost and EmployeeBoost subscriptions get unlimited templates. Add-on subscribers get 3 HTML5 templates.

Can I continue using the PDF Invoices?

Yes. You do not have to use the new HTML5 invoice, estimate, and quote templates.

Can I use the PDF Invoices in StudioCloud but have the CloudForms use the HTML5 invoices?

Yes. You can add the html5 invoices to email templates but still use the pdf invoices in StudioCloud.

How do I turn on HTML5 Invoice Templates in StudioCloud?

  • Click on the Settings component
  • Click on the Manage StudioCloud Settings button under the Settings tab
  • Click the Print Using HTML Invoice Template radio button

Can I try out the HTML invoices and then switch back to the PDF invoices if I don't like them?

Yes. Do the following steps to switch back to the PDF Invoices.
  • Click on the Settings component
  • Click on the Manage StudioCloud Settings under the Settings tab
  • Click the Print Using PDF Invoice radio button

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