Wednesday, September 5, 2018

New Scheduled Messages System

Scheduled messages allow you to schedule emails and text messages to be sent on specific dates and times. The power behind scheduled messages is that they can be used in connection with pipelines. When a specific pipeline stage has been activated there can be unlimited personalized emails and text messages scheduled and, if desired, all of the unsent emails and text messages can be automatically cancelled when the pipeline stage is marked completed.

Lead Pipeline Example

Previously if a business wanted to send 10 emails to a client on specific dates and times to convert them to a paying client they would need to setup 10 different pipeline stages where each pipeline stage would create the email based on the email template. In addition, the business would have to click the "pipeline stage completed" button before the emails were sent.

Now, with scheduled messages, only 1 pipeline stage is necessary and all of the emails will be automatically scheduled for the client. Each personalized email will be sent at the desired time and, if desired, you can have all of the unsent scheduled emails automatically cancelled if the client books a session.

Employee Lead Pipeline Example

Scheduled messages also support sending messages (email or text) to employees. Using the new system, messages can be scheduled and sent to employees on a specific date and time. Many businesses do direct phone calls with potential customers and this is a great way to remind an employee that it is time to do that call. In addition, the message can contain all of the client's contact information.

Client Pickup Example

Remind clients to come and pick up their order with an automatically scheduled personalized email or text message that is created using an order pipeline.

Does this replace CloudAlerts?

No, Cloudalerts are still the ideal way to send email and text message reminders and thank you's for a session, appointment, or event. CloudAlerts are designed to automatically adjust when they are sent based on the session, appointment, or events scheduled time slot. On the contrary, scheduled messages have a specific date and time based on when the pipeline stage is activated when they are scheduled to be sent.

How to use it

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